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Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Relationship Story Episode 3: The Realization (How Could You?)

The Relationship Story
Written By: Saúl Acevedo

Episode 3
The Realization
One Month Passes

Our wanderer is finally on his own and with that, a hurtful realization that all he has worked for and emotion that was put in was for nothing, at this point and time, he moves silently, keeping to himself and thinking over and over all the things that he has done to make his former love feel better about herself. And while he pours out a strong stiff drink, and sits back in his chair, he reminisces about all the things he had believed in during the time of their relationship. And this lonely loner has a huge sense of disbelief for all that has transpired. "What am I gonna do? What is going to happen to me next?" He thinks...He takes another sip and looks at a crack on the wall in his room and somehow is able to tie it back to her..."She's gone..." He finally thinks to himself..."I miss her still..."

The video I select to express the mood and emotion is "How Could You?" By Mario. This R&B artist tells it like it is and puts forth all the factual points in the shattered relationship and lays it all on the table. What will our wanderer deal with now that the world he though would be is now gone...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what I ll do once it all ends it think you should make it a weekly serious that runs over 24 episodes
