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Friday, January 27, 2012

Social Media Junkies Need Intervention

I laugh in amazement how some people over extend themselves in the digital world. Don't get me wrong, I have a Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Flickr, and my own personal Blog, but I use those in their own environment and try not to over extend them. Doing so gives life to each service. For example, Twitter is a great method for me to get my thoughts and ideas out there while meeting new people who either share the same interests or give their insights on mine. Facebook is use more for people I actually know and am currently administrator of 3 Facebook Pages, but I try not to over extend them UNLESS there is a common purpose behind it. The main reason why I'm voicing my opinion on this matter is that I've seen many people out there on YouTube, and other social sites trying to "Make It" or get noticed, and seen more downward spirals VS successes. Now I'm not saying don't peruse your dream but what I am saying is that you need to know your audience and you need to be EFFECTIVE to your followers. ENGAGE them, help them promote what they are about, and keep a solid network in motion. I have this Blog as my personal space on the inter webs to rant and rave on what I feel about at the moment and know that any of my awesome followers appreciate that I take the time to write and give insight on what I am working on. Speaking of what I am working on for 2012, there are many new projects in my lab, which will be posted about in a future post very soon. However, my Project365 has taught me a lot about being effective in social media and I intend on taking what I learned and move forward into more successes. So here is how I usually break it down;

Twitter: The whole point of twitter is to share information, so have at it! Yea, sometimes you get followed by spam bot pushing porn, or follow people that seemed level headed in their feed, and then all of a sudden late and night their posting borderline pornography looking for compliments. But hey, it is what it is. I am doing a new social media method on twitter by following a new user at least once a day.

Facebook: My opinion of Facebook is simple. It's for close friends and family members, anything more is a ploy to promote a product or view. Every wonder how much drama wouldn't exist if you didn't add everyone on Facebook? Well, I'll tell you, you don't get any!

Google+: This is such great idea on privacy and sharing features, the only issue is that the user base isn't that large, yet. But I can add anyone on my Google+ profile and feel OK about sharing my posts.

So keep your eyes peeled for an update on my projects for 2012. And as always...

Keep it Funky, Keep it Fresh, and I'll catch you on the Flipside!


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